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      中控技術攜UCS、TPT等重磅產品亮相ARC 2024亞洲產業論壇
      發布時間: 2024-08-07 09:08 更新時間: 2024-12-20 13:30
      觀看中控技術攜UCS、TPT等重磅產品亮相ARC 2024亞洲產業論壇視頻

      近日,以“加速人工智能、開放自動化和可持續發展”為主題的ARC 2024亞洲產業論壇分別在新加坡、日本東京隆重舉行。中控技術國際運營公司、日本公司攜UCS、TPT等重磅新品亮相,分享了中控技術在工業自動化、數字化轉型和工業AI領域的行業洞見和創新實踐。

      SUPCON participated in the ARC Industry Leadership Forum Asia 2024, themed "Accelerate Transformation in the Age of AI, Open Automation, and Sustainability" which was held in Singapore and Tokyo. At the forum, SUPCON shared in-depth insights and cutting-edge advancements in industrial automation, digital transformation, and industrial AI.




      In the Singapore forum, Mr. Mercy Zhang, Vice President of SUPCON International Business , delivered a presentation on "Supercharge Digital Transformation with Industrial AI" showcasing our data-driven and model-based industrial AI solutions. He introduced SUPCON Time-series Pre-trained Transformer (TPT) and elaborated on how the large AI model plus fine-tuning applications can assist in process optimization in different scenes, taking Chlor-Alkali Industry Prediction and Optimization as an example. He also gave examples of Generative AI use cases throughout the value stream, such as accelerating control development with AI code generation.

      During the Open Process Automation Forum Roundtable, Mercy introduced the SUPCON Universal Control System, a software-defined, cloud-based, full-digital control system that eliminates traditional I/O cabinets. This system enables more efficient data exchange and creates a truly digital environment for operators.




      Earlier, at the Japan forum, Mr. Masahiro Doi, Vice President of SUPCON Japan, presented a case study on a smart chemical plant project in China for a prominent global enterprise. The project utilized SUPCON Industrial Operating System, supporting various protocols and enabling seamless data collection and integration from the plant floor to enterprise-wide infrastructures. Engineers and operators can leverage well-developed industry APPs and develop their own in a low-code environment.

      Mr. Masahiro Doi highlighted SUPCON's "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture, One-stop Industrial Service Platform, and the Universal Control System in his presentation. His presentation received high acclaim from the 240 attendees, providing valuable insights and inspiration for constructing smart plants.


      During both events, SUPCON connected with existing clients and partners, built new relationships, discussed collaborative projects, explored future collaborations, and demonstrated how our innovative technologies can help end-users improve profitability and sustainability.


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